7 Signs Of Social Outcasts

It’s hard to admit it, but I think I’m a social outcast. Not because I don’t like hanging around with friends, but because I know that I don’t think like most other people. Now don’t dare to say that I’m special and not an outcast, that makes you feel even worse. If you find yourselves facing 3 or more signs, which are described below, you’re an outcast like me, my dear friend.

Welcome to the club!!!

1. You Keep Your Important Thoughts To Yourselves,

because you’re afraid that people might perceive you the wrong way. If you weren’t an outcast, you wouldn’t care what the world thinks and speak your mind, but perhaps not blatantly.

2. You Find Your Online Self To Be Completely Different From What You Actually Are


and this is perhaps the best test to know if you’re an outcast or not. If you find that your online self (your transformed personality when you start chatting with friends) to be completely different than what you are actually, then you’re an outcast. Do you start chatting like as if you’re a hipster? (Aaawww….Kewl bro, You’re Mah Sweet Donut) or Do you become this Cassanova as soon as you’re online?



3. You Find Maintaining Friendship in Social Sites To be A Lot Easier Than Real Life

Sally doesn’t usually talk to Casey when they both are on school but become best friends as soon as they’re online. And ironically, they sit just a bench apart from each other. If you can relate yourself to either of them, chances are high that you’re an outcast like me my friend.

4. None Other Than Yourself Find Your Jokes Hilarious

Now it’s your call. Either you’re a retard or you have a poor sense of humor or you’re simply an outcast. Which one of these do you think you are:

5. You Don’t Know The Difference Between Solitude & Loneliness

Do you like to stay alone? Do you like to keep yourselves cut off from the world and rather enjoy your own company? that’s called being lonely my friend, it’s not a state of solitude that you’re mistakingly thinking you are. Solitude is a state of mind where you’re always into deep self-thought and realization while loneliness is a state when you think you don’t fit in this world.

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